Kaitiaki Taiao Tauira Programme

An Overview of the Kaitiaki Taiao Tauira Programme

The Kaitiaki Taiao Tauira Programme is an initiative co-developed by the Hokonui Rūnanga and LINZ.

The Programme is a 3-year initiative for tauira (students) to experience different environmental and conservation mahi associated with the rūnanga and gain qualifications while working.

Tauira will work in the Hokonui Rūnanga Kaupapa Taiao team to learn about Ngāi Tahu iwi and what it means to be a kaitiaki of the land, the spiritual connection to the land and how to protect our many taonga (treasures). All while gaining practical skills and knowledge to grow as kaitiaki and enhance the te au tūroa (the natural world).

A Partnership Approach to Social and Environmental Restoration.

This work is made possible with the generous support of our community and partners. To find out more about Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand who partnered with us to make this programme, click on their logos below.


News & Updates


From 11-13 April 2022, we were privileged to have Richard Allibone from Water Ways Consulting, who facilitated the

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Kaloni Taylor releasing tuna after surveying.

Tuna surveying

The tauira, along with facilitator Matt Dale, set hīnaki in multiple areas stretching from the Mataura Mātaitai through

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Robin Restoration Volunteer Programme

Robin Restoration Donations Programme